
B.Tech. Courses (First Year)

Branches offered Intake Total Remarks
BSF* CAPFs* MP Domicile
Automobile Engineering 12 03 15 30

*These seats are reserved for wards of BSF and CAPFs (CRPF, ITBP, CISF, SSB & M.P. Police) serving / deceased/retired personnel and in each branch of engineering.

Computer Science & Engineering** 71 14 86 171
Electronics & Communication Engineering 37 08 45 90
Electrical Engineering 12 03 15 30
Information Technology 25 05 30 60
Mechanical Engineering 12 03 15 30

MCA Course

Course offered Intake Total
BSF CAPFs MP Domicile
Master of Computer Applications 16 04 20 40

M.Tech. Courses

Branch offered Intake
Automobile Engineering 18
Communication Systems Engineering 09