Rustamji Institute of Technology
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Contact Us
Rustamji Institute of Technology

Border Security Force Academy, Tekanpur
Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh)-475005
Phone: +91-7524-274319; Fax: +91-7524-274320
Email: rjit_bsft[at]yahoo[dot]com, info[at]rjit[dot]org
Website: https://www[dot]rjit[dot]ac[dot]in, http://www[dot]rjit[dot]org

Important Contacts
Enquiry Type Contact Person Contact No. EMail Id
Hostel Enquiries (Boys) Shri Ranveer Singh
Boys Hostel Warden
8839935918 rjit_bsft[at]yahoo[dot]com
Educational Verification Dr. Rashmi Shah
Exam Supdt.
Hostel Enquiries (Girls) Prof. Mugdha Shrivastava
Girls Hostel Warden
9977703213 rjit_bsft[at]yahoo[dot]com
Hostel Enquiries (Girls) Smt. Jaishree Bhargava
Girls Hostel Metron
Registrar Dr. Uma Shankar Sharma
9425483084 dr[dot]u[dot]sharma[at]rjit[dot]ac[dot]in
Training & Placement Cell Prof. Suhel Ahmed Khan
Training & Placement Officer
Transportation Enquiry Prof. Dhananjay Bhadoria
Bus Incharge

Rustamji Institute of Technology