Rustamji Institute of Technology
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Library: Mission & Vision


To Provide Valuable Resources for Industry and Society through Excellence in Technical Education and Research.


Library inspires learning and discovery through print and electronic information resources, collaboration, and expertise for academic excellence and research activities.

  • To provide quality service to the users
  • To disseminate technical knowledge
  • To offer modern tools for accessing information

Library - Collections & All Details

Library acquires the rich collections of Books and Electronic materials. Approx. 21589 Books has been added till session of 2017-18. The use of library resources is the parameter of effective working of library and users satisfaction. All the available resources are being highly used by the members of the library. E-Resources are also available in the Institute. Faculty members, researchers and students can access these resources through web browsing in RJIT Campus. Our collections are mostly on Computer Science, Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics Engineering.

Library Details
Library Timings
Library Timings
Saturday & Sunday
Except Gazzetted Holidays
Seating Capacity No. of Titles No. of Books Reference Books
0800hrs to 1900hrs 0800hrs to 1700hrs 100 3000 appx. 21589 appx. 3000

Library offers the following services to its members:

  • Book Borrowing Service:
    Library provides books on loan to all users.
  • Reference Service:
    Library provides the good quality of reference books, journals, for consulting purpose. Library staff always ready to provide the assistance to locate the reading materials and information in more personalized manner.
  • Online access:
    Internet facility with 1 Gbps speed is available in all computers of the library. A separate section has been created to avail this facility during the all-working hours of the library. Only learning resources and educational information are permitted to access under this facility.
    S.No.Journal TitleDescriptionJournal URL
    1Taylor & FrancisFree Open Access journals of Taylor & Francis

Book Borrowing Schedule Details
UG and PG
Teaching Staff Non-Teaching Staff Supporint Staff Administrative Staff
03 books for 28 days 05 books for One Semester 02 books for One Semester 02 books for One Semester 02 books for One Semester
Staff Details
Dr. Punam Bajpai


Mr. Khushal Singh


Mr. Harihar Lohani


Mr. Gopal Shrivastava


Mr. Harlesh Kumar


Mr. Pradeep Kumar


Librarian Library Assistant Library Assistant Library Assistant Book Lifter Book Lifter
Rustamji Institute of Technology