Rustamji Institute of Technology
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About Department

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) was started in 2014. It offers a broad and flexible degree program with the curriculum specifically designed to reflect the depth and breadth of computer science. The Department CSE administers Bachelors in Technology (B.Tech.) programs. The course structure is up-to-date and includes courses on nascent topics to equip our students with the latest developments. The faculty members have been continuously associated with research work and have published a fairly good number of research papers in International and National Conferences and journals. The department has facilities for project and research work. The department is expecting research projects from some reputed research funding agencies of country.

Vision & Mission

To empower students of Department of Computer Science and Engineering to be innovative, self-motivated and technologically adept and enable them to model and simulate real life complex problems, to learn multi-disciplinary systems, to understand professional and ethical responsibilities.


  • To develop a high level of technical expertise so that students are able to succeed positions in computer science and engineering practice or research and in other fields they choose to pursue.
  • To develop competency so that students will produce efficient software/hardware design based on sound principles and that consider functionality, efficiency, cost effectiveness and sustain ability.
  • To encourage lifelong learning habits among students so that they will easily face day by day challenges.
  • To develop leadership qualities both in their chosen profession and other activities.

Courses & Intake
B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 171
BSF/CAPFs Quota: 85
MP Quota: 86

Admission Procedure in B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
  • Admission to First Year M. P. Quota candidates is done by M.P. State level Counselling conducted by DTE, Bhopal.Distribution of seats is done as per MP Govt./DTE norms.
  • The admission to First Year (B.S.F./CAPFs Wards candidates) is done on the basis of marks obtained in Joint Entrance Examination (Main) which is conducted by JEE Apex Board, Government of India. B.S.F./CAPFs Wards Candidates should be the Sons/Daughters of serving/retired/deceased on duty BSF/CRPF/ITBP/CISF/SSB/MP Police personnel.
  • Admission to “Second Year Lateral Entry “(M.P. Quota & B.S.F./CAPFs Wards candidates) is done through Counselling conducted by DTE, Bhopal.
  • All the eligibilities and qualifications fixed by State Government are applicable.
Faculty & Staff
Name of Faculty Designation Name of Department Email Mobile No. Action
Dr. Jagdish MakhijaniAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Computer Science &
Prof. Yograj SharmaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Computer Science & Engineeringyograjgwl@gmail.com9584488077
Prof. Vivek GuptaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Computer Science & Engineeringvivekguptachp@gmail.com9425813639
Prof. Kirtiraj BhateleAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Computer Science & Engineeringkirtirajbhatele8@gmail.com8823872288
Prof. Aishwarya SharmaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Computer Science &
Prof. Rahul SenthiyaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Computer Science &
Mr. Yashwant PathakLab InstructorDepartment of Computer Science & Engineeringyashpathak21@gmail.com9893273190
Mr. Jitendra NagarkarLab InstructorDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering
Mr. Anand SantLab InstructorDepartment of Computer Science & Engineeringanand.sant0806@gmail.com9329248075
Lab Infrastructure
Programming Lab
Machine Learning Lab
Network Lab
Student Clubs (SAE)
  • Google Developer Students Club
  • RJITGeek Club
  • Neev Club
  • Innovator's Club
Student's Achievement
Harsh Shrivastava

selected for internship at National University of Singapore. Presently working as Data Analyst in Flipkart.

Nikhil Pathak

created a Start-up by the name “KetchupHub”, a food pre ordering service provider App.

Kamna Chaudhary

first ever female Microsoft Student Partner from RJIT.

Amit Shukla

selected as Power Programmer by Infosys on a package of 9.8 LPA.

Abhishek Jain

selected by TCS on a package of 7.8 LPA. Certified Cloud Developer by Microsoft and Oracle.

Rohan Dhupar

achieved 132nd rank among 81000 data Scientists around the world at Kaggle

Ayush Sharma

selected as Dean of School of AI for Gwalior Chapter.

Nikita Singh

won the Silver Medal in Badminton in 2nd Student Olympic Asian Games 2019-20.

Our Alumni Placed In....
Rustamji Institute of Technology