Rustamji Institute of Technology
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About Department

The Department of Electrical engineering was established in July 2012.With its first batch graduating in 2016, Department of Electrical Engineering at RJIT, BSF Academy , Tekanpur has evolved with time.

The field of electrical engineering is the fast growing field and is the key factor in infrastructural development with the changing scenario that includes deregulation and the treatment of electrical energy as a commodity.

The Department of Electrical Engineering was established in July 2012.

First batch of Electrical Engineering graduated in 2016.

Vision & Mission

Excellence In Experimental & Theoretical Research In Power System, Power Electronics, Electrical Machines And Control System.


  • To provide state-of-the-art resources in the field of electrical engineering
  • To bridge the gap between academia and industry
  • To contribute to achieve excellence in teaching-learning, research and development activities
  • To provide suitable forums to enhance the creative talents of students
  • To inculcate moral and ethical values among students

Courses & Intake
B.Tech. Electrical Engineering 30
BSF/CAPFs Quota: 15
MP Quota: 15

Admission Procedure in B.Tech. Electrical Engineering
  • Admission to First Year M. P. Quota candidates is done by M.P. State level Counselling conducted by DTE, Bhopal.Distribution of seats is done as per MP Govt./DTE norms.
  • The admission to First Year (B.S.F./CAPFs Wards candidates) is done on the basis of marks obtained in Joint Entrance Examination (Main) which is conducted by JEE Apex Board, Government of India. B.S.F./CAPFs Wards Candidates should be the Sons/Daughters of serving/retired/deceased on duty BSF/CRPF/ITBP/CISF/SSB/MP Police personnel.
  • Admission to “Second Year Lateral Entry “(M.P. Quota & B.S.F./CAPFs Wards candidates) is done through Counselling conducted by DTE, Bhopal.
  • All the eligibilities and qualifications fixed by State Government are applicable.
Faculty & Staff
Name of Faculty Designation Name of Department Email Mobile No. Action
Prof. Dhananjay BhadoriyaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Electrical Engineeringdhananjay.bhadoria@gmail.com9425113244
Prof. Krishna Kant GautamAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Electrical
Prof. Ashish GuptaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Electrical Engineeringashishgupta97@gmail.com8962384106
Prof. Arun Kumar Singh TomarAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Electrical Engineeringaruntomar.tomar20@gmail.com9399354050
Mr. Akhilesh TiwariLab InstructorDepartment of Electrical Engineering
Lab Infrastructure
S. No. Name of Laboratory
1 Electrical Machine and Drive Lab
2 Electrical Simulation Lab
3 Power System & Protection Lab
4 Power Electronics Lab
5 Microprocessor & Control Lab
6 Measurement & Instrumentation Lab
7 Basic Electrical and Network Lab
8 Project Lab
  1. Placements of Deptt. Of EE 2014-18 batch in reputed companies & GATE – 21 students.
  2. Placements of Deptt. Of EE 2015-19 batch in reputed companies – 26 students.
  3. Placement of 2016-20 Batch in progress – 05 students already selected
  4. University Result: 100% Continously With Maximum First Divisions Recently Vice chancellor RGPV award for academic excellence won by Shalini Dwivedi & Rohit Kumar of Deptt. Of EE
  5. LG INDIA has setup a state of the art lab of modern latest technology based consumer Electronics. This lab is targeted to train the students of EE & EC engineering. To make them industry ready.
  6. Department of Electrical Engineering organized International conference on “Emerging trends in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering”.
  7. Department of Electrical Engineering organized National Symposium on “Challenges for Science & Technology in 21st Century”.
  8. Department of Electrical Engineering organized Tech Wizard competition.
  9. Department of Electrical Engineering organized A Regional Level Inter college Quiz competition “QUIZARD”.
  10. Vice chancellor RGPV award for academic excellence won by Shalini Dwivedi & Rohit Kumar of deptt. Of EE
  11. Faculties of Electrical Engineering Department have been awarded by most reputed academic excellence award of Madhya Pradesh “ Srijan” for academic excellence.
  12. Department organised one week STTP FOR FACULTIES on “Soft Computing Techniques using MATLAB”
  13. EE Team R.E. WARRIOR ( Robowar Team) participated in “World Robotics Championship” “Technoxian” organized by DST Government of India and won IIIrd position in this event.
  14. Team URJA Participated in Electric Solar Vehicle Championship in Andhra Pradesh and won two awards in this event. First for Solar Appreciation Award & Second for Go Green Award for innovation.
  15. Alok kumar Meena from Electrical Engineering selected for National level Race Championship.
Activities Organized
  1. Department organized International conference on “ Emerging trends in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering”.
  2. Department organized National Symposium on “Challenges for Science & Technology in 21st Century”.
  3. Department organized Tech Wizard competition.
  4. An one day “PLC & SCADA” workshop organized by Electrical Engineering Department under “FLUXUS CLUB”.
  5. An one day “MATLAB” workshop organized by Electrical Engineering Department under “FLUXUS CLUB”.
  6. An Inter college Quiz competition “QUIZARD” organized by Electrical Engineering Department under “FLUXUS CLUB".
  7. Madikheda Hydroelectric Power Plant industrial visit by Electrical Engineering Department.
Rustamji Institute of Technology