Rustamji Institute of Technology
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About Department

The Department of Information Technology was established in year 1999. The department is offering four year undergraduate programme B. Tech. in Information Technology.

All Laboratories are equipped with latest computers and audio-visual amenities. The department has 1 Gbps Internet Connectivity through Indian Government’s National Knowledge Network Project.

The RJIT Geek Club is established by the department to improve the programming and other technical skills of students while the GATE Club is taking care of students for various reputed competitions like GATE, GRE etc. The department organizes time-to-time technical activities to improve the technical skills of students which enhance their employability. The IT department and RJIT itslef organized Mock Test for the students of all years.

The department is committed for excellent placement of students. Our alumni have been placed in reputed organizations like TCS, Infosys, Capgemini, HCL, IBM, Wipro, Mindtree, Siemens, ADVI, CloudEQs etc.

Vision & Mission

To emerge as world class resource center for Engineering and Technological inputs and developing Institute as a center of excellence and produce Technocrats of high caliber.


  • To achieve International Standards of excellence with focus on quality education.
  • To provide high quality and developmental service in Engineering and Information Technology.
  • To achieve prominence in developing, adopting and assimilating state of art technology for competitive advantage.
  • To cultivate high standards of ethics and quality for a strong corporate identity of each student.

Courses & Intake
B.Tech. Information Technology 60
BSF/CAPFs Quota: 30
MP Quota: 30

Admission Procedure in B.Tech. Information Technology
  • Admission to First Year M. P. Quota candidates is done by M.P. State level Counselling conducted by DTE, Bhopal.Distribution of seats is done as per MP Govt./DTE norms.
  • The admission to First Year (B.S.F./CAPFs Wards candidates) is done on the basis of marks obtained in Joint Entrance Examination (Main) which is conducted by JEE Apex Board, Government of India. B.S.F./CAPFs Wards Candidates should be the Sons/Daughters of serving/retired/deceased on duty BSF/CRPF/ITBP/CISF/SSB/MP Police personnel.
  • Admission to “Second Year Lateral Entry “(M.P. Quota & B.S.F./CAPFs Wards candidates) is done through Counselling conducted by DTE, Bhopal.
  • All the eligibilities and qualifications fixed by State Government are applicable.
Faculty & Staff
Name of Faculty Designation Name of Department Email Mobile No. Action
Dr. Kamlesh GuptaAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Information
Prof. Anand JhaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Information Technologyanandjha@rjit.org9893892193
Prof. Sanjay PatsariyaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Information Technologysanjaypatsariya@gmail.com9827549919
Prof. Janki Sharan PahareeyaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Information Technologytalkto.pahariya@gmail.com9753430660
Dr. Arvind SharmaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Information Technologyarvinddevansh@rediffmail.com9827334389
Prof. Aradhana SaxenaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Information
Mrs. Saba KhanHardware EngineerDepartment of Information
Mr. Nishant SaxenaLab InstructorDepartment of Information Technologynishantsaxena.rjit@gmail.com9425755912
Lab Infrastructure

National Knowledge Network (NKN) Lab provides 1Gbps internet connectivity to the department. In future it is proposed to upgrade upto 10 GBPS. Computer Multimedia (CM) lab is fully Wi-Fi lab with upgraded Hardware and Software to provide Wireless internet connectivity. Reliance Gio Net is additional internet facility in department to access Hi-Speed wireless internet connectivity on your personal Gadgets.

Advanced Computer Lab

The Advanced Computer Lab has 120 computer with latest configuration.

Data Science Lab

The Advanced Computer Lab has 40 computer with latest configuration.

Student Clubs (SAE)
  • RJITGeek Club
  1. Mr. Arushi Joshi, IT Final Year cleared her SSB, Navy.
  2. Mr. Argha Chaudhary, IT Third Year appointed as Microsoft Brand Ambassador.
  3. IT department students won Gold/Silver medals in different sports activities during last two years.
  4. IT students performed well at IIT, Mumbai and IIT, Patna and won first prize in Innovation category.
  5. RJIT providing 90% placement.
  6. Cultural Program AAROHAN organized by Department of Information Technology in March 2023.
  7. Prof. Aradhana Saxena published a research paper titled Improving Educational Assessments: Question Difficulty Classification with DistilBERT and Explainable AI inIEEE conference
  8. Prof. Aradhana Saxena published a research paper titled Nested Sentiment Analysis for ESG Impact: Leveraging FinBERT to Predict Market Dynamics Mathematics in SCI journal
  9. Prof. Aradhana Saxena published a research paper titled Fixing Poorly Written Questions and Classifying Their Difficulty with DistilBERT, ALBERT, CNN in ScienceDirect Procedia Computer Science
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Rustamji Institute of Technology