Rustamji Institute of Technology
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About Department

Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 2011 and offer undergraduate program to 60 students. Department has well equipped, state of the art Smart class rooms and labs to impart quality education to students.

The department has highly qualified faculties. The department organizes various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities like workshops, expert-lectures by industry, symposiums, conferences etc. The students participate in various national and international competition of their field and won prized.

The department is committed for placement of students. The department is associated with VG-TAP project of Audi India which helps in training & placement of students. The alumni are placed in various reputed firms like Audi, TCIL, Tata Motors etc.

Vision & Mission

The department is committed to be recognized globally for excellent education and research leading to cater the ever changing industrial demands and social needs by well qualified innovation and entrepreneurial engineers.


  • Imparting mechanical engineering knowledge through trained faculty in conducive environment
  • Creating awareness about the needs of mechanical industries through interactions with industry and alumni
  • Encouraging Mechanical Engineers to think innovatively and introduce them to various research activities
  • Supporting them to groom in all aspects like communication, interpersonal skills

Courses & Intake
B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 30
BSF/CAPFs Quota: 15
MP Quota: 15

Admission Procedure in B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering
  • Admission to First Year M. P. Quota candidates is done by M.P. State level Counselling conducted by DTE, Bhopal.Distribution of seats is done as per MP Govt./DTE norms.
  • The admission to First Year (B.S.F./CAPFs Wards candidates) is done on the basis of marks obtained in Joint Entrance Examination (Main) which is conducted by JEE Apex Board, Government of India. B.S.F./CAPFs Wards Candidates should be the Sons/Daughters of serving/retired/deceased on duty BSF/CRPF/ITBP/CISF/SSB/MP Police personnel.
  • Admission to “Second Year Lateral Entry “(M.P. Quota & B.S.F./CAPFs Wards candidates) is done through Counselling conducted by DTE, Bhopal.
  • All the eligibilities and qualifications fixed by State Government are applicable.
Faculty & Staff
Name of Faculty Designation Name of Department Email Mobile No. Action
Rajan SharmaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical
Prof. Mugdha ShrivastavaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical
Mr. Manish SharmaLab InstructorDepartment of Mechanical Engineeringmanishsharma1501@yahoo.in7987407758
Lab Infrastructure
S. No. Name of Laboratory Room No. Faculty Incharge Lab Instructor
1 Thermal Engineering Lab Old Block Prof. Rajan Sharma Mr. Manish Sharma
2 Strenght of Material Lab Old Block Dr. Chaitanya Sharma Mr. Manish Sharma
3 Theory of Machine Lab Old Block Prof. Mugdha Shrivastava Mr. Manish Sharma
4 Dynamics of Machine Lab Old Block Prof. Mugdha Shrivastava Mr. Manish Sharma
5 Fluid Mechanics Lab New Block (Ground Floor) Prof. Ajay Bangar Mr. Manish Sharma
6 Computer Aided Engineering Lab Old Block Prof. Ajay Bangar Mr. Manish Sharma
  1. Overall trophy of the Annual Sports day 2016 is won by Mechanical engg. Department.
  2. Udaivir Rai mechanical 4th year secured 1st position in 100 mtr
  3. Udaivir Rai mechanical 4th year secured 1st position in 200 mtr
  4. Udaivir Rai mechanical 4th year secured 1st position in high jump
  5. Koshel Hooda mechanical 4th year secured 1st position and Sumit kumar mechanical 2nd year secured 2nd position in disc throw.
  6. Sumit kumar mechanical 2nd year secured 1st position and Koshel Hooda mechanical 4th year secured 2nd position in Javelin throw.
  7. Tejaswee mechanical 2nd year secured 2nd position in shotput throw.
  8. Team Mechanical secured 1st position in 4x100 mtr relay
  9. RJIT football team secured 1st position in football nodal students from mechanical department who contributed are as follows:
    1. Koshel Hooda
    2. Udaivir Rai
    3. Rishav Sharma
    4. Sumit kumar
  10. Koshel Hooda of mechanical 4th year secured 1st position in Volley ball and also gets selected for state and university competition.
  11. Pramila yadav of mechanical 4th year secured 1st position in 100 mtr and 2nd position in Relay race.
  12. Achieved 3rd position in Quad-Torc event, (from 26/08/2016 – 30/08/2016) held at Chandpur, Bijnaur, Team Name – Imperial Soldiers
  13. Achieve 17th rank award – Innovation in Efficycle Event (15 – 18 oct,2016)
Activities Organized
  1. One week workshop has been conducted by Final Year student, Deepak Kumar Nain, in sept,2015 on the topic Auto CAD,Pro-E,Catia
  2. Plantation conducted by Prof. Ajay Bangar, Prof. Rajan Sharma & Prof. Mugdha Shrivastava.
  3. Expert Lecture on MR Fluids delivered by Dr. Vijay Sukhwani, Professor, Govt. Engg. College, Ujjain. It is organized by Prof. Ajay Bangar, Prof. Rajan Sharma & Prof. Mugdha Shrivastava.
  4. Expert Lecture on Artificial Intelligence delivered by Prof. Shilpi Tomar, Assistant Professor, SATI, Vidisha. It is organized by Prof. Rajan Sharma.
  5. Expert Lecture on 3D Modelling delivered by Dr. P. K. Jain, Professor, IIITD, Jabalpur. It is organized by Prof. Rajan Sharma & Dr. Uma Shankar Sharma.
  6. A club (“Happiness of helping”) has been started by the following faculty members of Mechanical engg. Dept.( Prof.Ajay Bangar, Prof.Rajan Sharma, Prof. Mrs. Mugdha Shrivastava),in this club ,the above mentioned club members collected those items which are in good condition but not in use for the owner of that item viz, clothes, stationary item, household items, books etc and distribute the same items to the people who actually need them.
  7. Following Faculties (Prof.Ajay Bangar, Prof.Rajan Sharma, Prof. Mrs. Mugdha Shrivastava) have been organized an Industrial visit at RAIL SPRING KARKHANA, SITHOLLI,GWALIOR for mechanical engg. Students of second and third year.
Rustamji Institute of Technology